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by Macklemore and Ryan Lewis become such a big hit Macklemore Ryan Lewis have the same approach, minus the dance beats. More specific to their hit song, Gucci Purse "Thrift Shop," they crafted a track that is appealing on multiple levels: Hipster Credibility: This song is all about shopping at thrift stores to get old, vintage, and perhaps even tacky clothes. Right now we are in the Age of Gucci Bag the Hipster, and guess what many hipsters do in their free time? They sift through the racks at thrift stores to find vintage clothes for cheap. The song became a hit with hipsters and college radio, then rock radio, then pop radio stations. Hip Hop Credibility: Though "Thrift Shop" hasn received nearly as much airplay on urban/hip hop radio as it Gucci Mens Shoes has on Top40 and Rock radio, Macklemore has gained some serious wordofmouth buzz among hip hop fans. Macklemore raps on "Thrift Shop" are decent, but his raps on some other songs on The Heist are above average. It a basic, oldschool Gucci Wallet horn loop and beat. Nothing fancy, but it works. It stands out against everything else that on the radio at the moment. The Hook Wanz is the guy who does the chorus on "Thrift Shop." His straightforward, baritone vocals are the exact same thing that worked for Nate Dogg, who was the hook man on a lot of rap hits in the 1990s and 2000s. Sense of Humor Most rappers take themselves way too seriously. Macklemore Ryan Lewis don They are more than willing to laugh at themselves. These guys aren rapping about buying bottles of Crystal and making it rain on everyone in the nightclub. Modern hip hop tends to glorify conspicuous consumption and expensive brands, but here is a song taking pride in shopping at thrift stores and buying whatever one budget allows. At one point Macklemore raps about how paying $50 for a Gucci Tshirt is equivalent to getting "swindled." The message of this song is that it okay to spend less money on clothes, and it somewhat foolish to overspend, even for the luxury brands. Add up all Gucci Bags Uk Gucci Belts of this and you have a song that appeals to a large segment of music fans. It no wonder it became an anthem of sorts and is one of the most recognizable songs of 20122013.

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